
Inclusive involvement in research

Research on health and social care should involve patients, service users, carers and members of the public with different experiences.

We want to work inclusively with people in communities and will work together (“co-design”) with the public – to design, carry out, share and implement research findings.

Our team includes:

  • People with lived experience
  • Community organisations
  • Service user led and voluntary groups
  • Researchers from universities and health and social care

We aim to:

  • Identify research topics and use ‘inclusive’ methods that will be of wide interest and relevant to people from East of England communities, other regions and nationally.
  • Explore together, diverse ways of working to involve those not often “included in research” (for example care home residents, people with learning disabilities and/or autism, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities) 
  • Explore, challenge, disseminate and implement ways of working in Patient and Public Involvement research (including the Ethical issues around Patient and Public Involvement).