ARC theme team member – IIRP (Inclusive Involvement in Research for Practice-led Health and Social Care)
Bridget joined the ARC East of England in September 2019 and is a member of the Inclusive involvement in Research for Practice-led Health and Social Care theme, based at the University of East Anglia. She has a keen interest in adult safeguarding and a specialism interest in social gerontology, having specialised in clinical social work with older people since 1983 and academically since taking up her first academic position in 1989. With a degree in Psychology (Nottingham, and an MSc in Social Work (LSE), Bridget had a successful career as a social worker and social work manager before a mid-career switch to a full-time academic position in 1996. For the last 10 years of her career, Bridget was based in the School of Health Sciences at UEA and in addition to her teaching responsibilities she undertook research on adult safeguarding. dementia and care homes.
Bridget has been recognised nationally in the UK for her work on adult safeguarding/protection and internationally for her work on elder abuse. In 2010 she received the International Rosalie Wolf Award for her work in the field of elder abuse research and practice. She has also acted as a consultant/advisor to the Department of Health (England), the European Commission and the World Health Organisation in relation to elder abuse.
email: b.penhale@uea.ac.uk