Peter Beresford OBE is University as Senior Research Fellow in the School of Health Sciences, within the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and Emeritus Professor at Brunel University and University of Essex as well as Visiting Professor at Edge Hill University where he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Science.
He is a service user/survivor researcher and co-chair of the disabled people’s organisation Shaping Our Lives. He has a longstanding interest in issues of participation and user involvement as a researcher, educator and activist and has written widely on the subject. This includes most recently, A Straight Talking Introduction To Emotional Wellbeing: From mental illness to Mad Studies, PCCS publishers 2023 and with Colin Slasberg, The Future of Social Care: From problem to rights-based sustainable solution, (2023), Edward Elgar, Open Access supported by ARC East of England https://www.elgaronline.com/monobook-oa/book/9781803923017/9781803923017.xml
Contact: peter.beresford3@btopenworld.com