
Fiona Poland

Co-Deputy Theme Lead of Inclusive Involvement in Research

Prof. Fiona Poland

Professor Fiona Poland is Co-Deputy Theme Lead of the Inclusive Involvement in Research theme. Fiona's career-long concern has been to use the power of qualitative research methods to address the health and wellbeing concerns of individuals and communities. She has worked to promote collaborations and respectful working across voluntary, statutory, academic and policy boundaries especially in community settings, and to improve the lives of those who live and work with dementia. Her research projects and publications explore how and how far community connections and participation may affect access to resources for health and wellbeing. She was twice Chair and is currently Vice Chair of the Association for Research in the Voluntary and Community Sector (ARVAC) and is active within national and regional groups of the NIHR Dementias and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research Network (DeNDRoN).

You can view Fiona's personal profile here.
