
Importance of Public Involvement Research

The ARC East of England Inclusive Involvement in Research theme is running a series of events highlighting the important role of public involvement in research. The sessions will discuss findings from the variety of research within this theme and share different and effective methodologies for engaging with diverse communities.

Session 1: Invisible Labour of Public Involvement 

The first in a series of ARC National events on Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) research took place on Thursday 5 December 2024 with over 100 delegates which included public involvement leads/facilitators, researchers and PPI Public members. The series will aim to foster conversations and methodological development of patient and public involvement, inclusive involvement and co-production and is open to anyone interested or involved in supporting, facilitating or leading Patient and Public Involvement, and those undertaking and involved in PPIE themselves.

Read more about the session here

Watch the recording below: