We have a research theme dedicated to finding out the best ways to involve patients, service users, carers and members of the public in research.
We have a research theme dedicated to finding out the best ways to involve patients, service users, carers and members of the public in research. Researchers in this theme will work together (co-design) with members of the community, service user-led and voluntary groups to design, carry out, share and implement research findings.
Projects in this theme cover a whole range of topics that focus on inclusivity in research, including working with learning disabilities and/or autistic communities to learn together to develop future research, working with Care Home Activity Providers to facilitate public involvement in research for care home residents and working with communities to health and wellbeing of Travelling Showpeople and understand the right of access to healthcare for Travelling Communities.
You can read more about their research projects here.

Community of Practice
The Inclusive Involvement research theme host a community of practice (a group of people who get together to share knowledge and increase their learning around topics) to learn from one another about how to make research inclusive. Previous sessions have discussed World Café approach, walking interviews, street conversations for research and co-production and the recordings are available to watch here.