This webpage showcases the vital work of ARC East of England in response to COVID-19 and beyond.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, our research underwent a shift in focus to address the pressing needs and challenges faced by our communities, health and care systems and care homes. By realigning our projects at the ARC East of England across our seven research themes, we were able to make a meaningful impact at both regional and national levels in our response to the pandemic. Our aim is for our findings gained during this period to help shape future policies and enhance outcomes for patients and service users.
On this page, you will find projects, rapid reports and related blog posts from this critical time.
Research projects:
- Top Tips for Tricky Times: Research-based tips for care home staff dealing with COVID-19 care challenges to be used in care home and wider
THRIVE: Understanding the distinct challenges for Nurses in Care Homes
Understanding the lived experience of infection transmission in care homes
Understanding the implementation and impact of remote monitoring pathways in Integrated Care Systems
Tailoring Evidence-based psychological therapies in wellbeing services
Entering the workforce, working and studying during a pandemic: a systematic review
The impact of COVID-19 on food systems and practices in the East of England
COVID-19 vaccine uptake and hesitancy in children and young people: a systematic review
Prevention and early detection in health and social care during COVID-19
Alternative routes of administration for medication at the end of life
Bereavement Care during the COVID-19 pandemic: a practitioner survey
Primary Care Covid Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD)
Blogs and articles:
'A personal narrative of my COVID experience' by an Expert by Experience supporting the Prevention and Early Detection Theme
'A mismatch between research evidence and the information needs of care homes during COVID-19: the case of restraint' by Tamara Backhouse
'Key research projects helping to shape recovery from COVID-19'