Julia Jones is Profesor of Public Involvement and Health in the Centre for Research in Public Health and Community Care (CRIPACC) in the School of Health and Social Work. Julia leads the Patient Experience and Public Involvement research unit in CRIPACC and chairs the Public Involvement in Research group (PIRg) and the Service User and Carer Core Group (SUPI) which co-ordinates user and carer involvement across the School of Health and Social Work. Julia is a health geographer by background and her PhD research explored mental health reforms in Britain and Italy from a geographical perspective. She returned to Italy 2003-2005 with a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship hosted by the University of Verona, Italy. Julia then worked at City, University of London from 2005-2016 in a number of mental health research and lecturing roles before moving to the University of Hertfordshire in 2016. At Hertfordshire, Julia is leading a UKRI funded public engagement project, based in Stevenage. She is co-applicant and the patient and public involvement (PPI) lead in two NIHR funded projects: the READY Trial, a RCT of the effectiveness of physical exercise for young people with depression; and the Public health Interventions Responsive Team (PHIRST) based at the University of Hertfordshire. She is a co-applicant of a project funded by Kidney Research UK called 'MOODMAPS' - A national study of practice patterns in renal services in the identification and management of depression in people with chronic kidney disease. Julia has expertise in qualitative and mixed research methods and public involvement and engagement in research. Julia is an experienced PhD supervisor and examiner, with six doctoral student completions and five current doctoral students undertaking mixed methods and qualitative research studies.
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