
Population Evidence and Data Science

In partnership with the other ARC themes, this cross-cutting theme conducts research into how to better use data and increase its value on population health. 


The Population Evidence and Data Science (PEDS) theme aims to support the better use of health and care data for research and to improve population health. 

Our approach

Our research is underpinned by community engagement and strategic partnerships with different communities (research, service and citizens). Our projects are aimed at developing evidence-driven local population health action. Key ways in which we aim to achieve our impact are through:

  1. Improving knowledge on how local communities and vulnerable populations can be involved in the drive to establish linked health and care records
  2. Research and innovation to enhance the value of population health data for both health services and researchers
  3. Facilitating engagement between researchers and health service policy-makers and practitioners around the access to and use of population health data
  4. Increasing awareness of available population health data and its potential use for research

For more information, please see our Logic Model.