News & Latest 17.10.2024

Applications for the ARC East of England Fellowship programme 2025 are now open!

NIHR ARC East of England Fellowship programme offers people working in health, care and voluntary service settings an opportunity to develop research and impact skills. The deadline for applications is Monday 6 January 2025 at 12 noon.

We are pleased to announce that applications for our ARC East of England Research and Impact Fellowship programme 2025 are now open. The ARC Fellowship is aimed at people working in health, care and voluntary service settings across the East of England.

What types of fellowship programmes do we offer?

This year, the following fellowships are available:

  • ARC Research Fellowship

The 12-month research fellowship aims to develop an understanding of the research environment and build research methodology skills. This year, the programme is particularly interested in projects focusing on analytics and health economics, mental health across the life course, and research in social care.

  • ARC Impact Fellowship

The 12-month ARC Impact Fellowship is for individuals seeking to develop their skills in implementing and disseminating evidence-based improvements in health and care settings. The Fellowship includes attendance at implementation and knowledge mobilisation workshops, as well as conducting a project typically within their workplace. There are two project types under the Impact Fellowship scheme:

  1. Implementation: Projects must be based on rigorous evidence and may involve adapting this evidence to new contexts. It is essential that the project adds value to the employing organisation.
  2. Knowledge Mobilisation: This involves identifying an area of evidence-based change, whether from personal research, others' research, or clinical guidelines, that needs to be disseminated and implemented to effect service change.

Why should I apply to the ARC East of England Fellowship programme?

The ARC Fellowship was established in 2010. Since then, over 150 ARC Fellowships have been awarded. Our Fellowship programme has supported a number of professionals in their careers, whether that be exploring the research field further or giving them the confidence within their own roles to support evidence-informed practice. The fellowship programme has a number of benefits, including:

  • Expert teaching

Our teaching programme is designed to equip you with the fundamental skills to deliver on your project. Led by experts in their respective fields, each session focuses on a different topic, ranging from statistics to how to involve the public and patients in health and social care research. 

  • Backfill funding

You will be funded by the ARC for one day a week for a year (to a maximum of £12,500). This ensures that you have dedicated time every week to undertake your project, take part in the teaching programme, and participate in action learning sets.

  • Supported by a specialist supervisor

You will have a supervisor who will provide guidance and assistance throughout your project to ensure its success. Your supervisor will provide you with the expertise and knowledge necessary to address any challenges and provide valuable feedback.

  • Networking opportunities

Our action learning sets aim to create a supportive community where you can share experiences, seek advice, and collaborate with your peers. Hear from our former Fellows here.

Who can apply?

The programme is open to clinicians, health & social care practitioners, voluntary sector staff and managers in health and social care services across the East of England, without a PhD. Healthcare professionals with a clinical doctorate can apply. The fellowship is also open to those currently in an academic post who hold an honorary contract with an organisation delivering health or social care. 

If the Research or Impact project is NHS based, we strongly encourage aligning your project focus to the Darzi review of the NHS. This broadly includes the following areas of focus:  

  • Primary prevention of ill health and prevention of escalation of health needs 
  • Support for treating people away from acute care 
  • Support for the health and care workforce 
  • Supporting elective care recovery and supporting people waiting 

For Research or Impact projects in social care or other non-NHS settings, the applicant can prioritise their own research/impact questions.

How can I apply?

Applications are made through a written application, which you can find here. New to this year process, applicants will be evaluated solely on their written application. There are no interviews as part of this selection process. Therefore, it is encouraged to consult with academic supervisors in advance of application submission, as early as possible. You can find a directory of recommended academic supervisors here.

The deadline for the fellowship applications is Monday 6 January 2025 at 12 noon.

Learn more

We are holding two informative webinars about the ARC East of England Fellowship programme. In these webinars, you will learn more about the programme sessions and be offered the opportunity to ask any questions you may have regarding the application process. Register using the links below: 

You can find out more about the ARC East of England Fellowship programme here