‘One of the clearest and most immediate impacts of being in poverty is an inability to buy nutritious food’ and those with lower incomes are more likely to have poorer quality diets.¹ A ‘Food Poverty Needs Assessment’ was carried out by Hertfordshire County Council (HCC).² This research was undertaken by the University of Hertfordshire in collaboration with HCC to inform their ‘Needs Assessment’, with the aim to:
- Assess the range of existing services and agencies supporting households experiencing food poverty across Hertfordshire.
- Explore households’ experiences of food poverty and of accessing services for support.
A total of 23 Hertfordshire residents completed a household survey and five took part in an in-depth interview about accessing support services and affording/accessing enough food. Twenty-one support service providers completed an online survey and 15 took part in one of three focus groups.
Hertfordshire residents identified multiple factors that contributed to their experiences of food poverty, including physical and/or mental health issues, the high cost of housing, unemployment or furlough during the pandemic, low pay and/or insecure work, debt and Universal Credit. Residents were largely positive about their experiences of accessing support services. However, they often struggled to know what support was available to them or how to access this in the first instance.
Service providers suggested that the root cause of food poverty was poverty itself, caused by insufficient income. They said that local responses to food poverty should be multiagency and there were good examples of existing partnerships between organisations working together to support households. Service providers also recommended a need for strategic leadership, establishment of measurable outcomes and priority setting for food poverty work across Hertfordshire.
¹ Marmot, M., Allen, J., Boyce, T., Goldblatt, P., & Morrison, J. (2020). Health Equity in England: The Marmot Review 10 Years On. London, UK: Institute of Health Equity.
² Hertfordshire County Council. (2021). Food Poverty Needs Assessment 2021. Hertfordshire, UK: Hertfordshire County Council. Accessed from: