Project AMM39

Social Care Occupational Therapy: Communication, Collaboration and Outcomes when Working with Adults with Learning Disabilities and their Informal Carers

Exploring to what extent social care occupational therapists support communication and collaboration with adults with learning disabilities and their informal carers. Furthermore, investigating to what extent social care occupational therapy makes a difference to adults with learning disabilities and informal carers.


There is currently little information in the literature regarding how occupational therapists in social care work with adults with learning disabilities and their informal carers. Made up of professionals and experts by experience, the research team identified the need to investigate to what extent social care occupational therapists support communication and collaboration as part of their work. The team also highlighted the need to explore to what extent social care occupational therapists make a difference to the lives of adults with learning disabilities and their informal carers.

To do this, the research team discussed and documented the experiences of adults with learning disabilities, informal carers and social care occupational therapists. For adults with learning disabilities and informal carers, the method of discussion varied depending on their preferred way of communicating. An interview topic guide has been created to guide these discussions in whichever form they take. Focus groups was undertaken with social care occupational therapists in order to gather their views, using a separate topic guide.

It is hoped that this work will develop the evidence base for social care occupational therapy, and identify strengths and areas of improvement in working with adults with learning disabilities and informal carers, with the potential to positively impact current practice.

Project Aims

  • The project investigated to what extent social care occupational therapists support communication and collaboration with adults with learning disabilities and informal carers during the occupational therapy process
  • The project aimed to explore what extent social care occupational therapists make a difference to the lives of adults with learning disabilities and informal carers

Anticipated Impact

  • A report which could highlight strengths and improvement areas of current social care occupational therapy provision, that could be applicable/considered in other services more widely
  • Presentations at conferences
  • Published research in peer-reviewed journals
  • Accessible versions of reports for dissemination to relevant communities

Project Activity

HRA approval received. Internal governance (Herts County Council) pending. Recruitment is starting in Norfolk County Council.


Tom Swinson

Research in Practice Lead/ PI

University of Hertfordshire

This project is part of the SCRiPT study, click here to read more about SCRiPT