News & Latest 23.06.2020

Invitation to take part in urgent Covid-19 research: share your views in the NHS Check survey

CPFT has joined a major research study in collaboration with NHS partners across the country.

This project is being coordinated for the region and adopted by the NIHR ARC East of England - which CPFT hosts, under the Mental Health over the Life Course Theme.

We invite all staff, volunteers and contractors to take part in this study and complete the short 5-10 minute online survey.


  • Please share your experience over the whole pandemic period, particularly focusing on any redeployment and the peak of the pandemic, so researchers can understand how the greatest pressures affected you.
  • Participation in the study is voluntary and entirely confidential. Personal information will only be accessed by the immediate research team. No one else, including managers and colleagues, will be able to see your responses.
  • Please display the attached poster (download avaialable below) in staff areas and share the flyer below to ensure everyone has a chance to take part.
  • There will be further opportunities to provide more information if you would like to continue in the study.

Any information you can provide will directly inform and develop additional staff support services over the coming months.

This crucial research will help us understand how best to support staff in preparation for winter 2020 and any future Covid-19 peaks.

For further information, visit or contact our regional NHS Check Programme Manager Clare Knight at