Helen is a Consultant in Public Health funded by Health Education England to support the wider healthcare workforce to deliver population health management across the East of England. She is hosted by East Suffolk and North Essex Foundation Trust and works predominantly at a regional level through Public Health England and East Accord in close collaboration with NHSE/I. She joined the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration in 2021 as a member of the Population Evidence and Data Science Theme and will seek to contribute intelligence and insight from population health management development within the region, particularly the population health analytical skill development, and collaborate with theme members on areas of mutual interest. She has a PhD and background in epidemiology and public health surveillance in the UK and internationally, with experience in using data and intelligence to improve population health. Prior to joining the region, she worked with the UK Overseas Territories on supporting the COVID-19 response and strengthening health information systems and public health surveillance. She completed her public health training in the UK in the West Midlands and has held a visiting academic position at Warwick University teaching on the Masters in Public Health.