
Work Package 3

This work package has three elements: 

i) Realist review: The purpose of the realist review in WP3 is to develop a theory-driven understanding of how internationally deployed MDS systems offer transferable learning and/or utility for the UK. Interrogating research on how MDS have been used by care home staff will increase understanding of how different contexts, assumptions and mechanisms affect its feasibility, and relevance to practice and for different groups of residents.


ii) Scoping of international MDS content and mapping of care home generated data for inclusion in MDS: To identify the full range of data variables, scales and outcome measures used in MDS across the world, we will conduct a rapid scoping review of international MDS research on resident assessment and care. Using the libraries generated by searches for WP1 and the realist review, this review will chart the variables/outcome measures used and care processes or experiences evaluated. Our focus will be on outcomes relevant to resident quality of life and the provision/monitoring of care, but not available from existing health and social care data (e.g. on pain, social engagement).


iii) Mapping of care home generated data for potential inclusion in MDS: Our previous work with care homes has identified multiple data sources specific to the care home that are not synthesised, shared or electronically stored. Care home providers collect information to support care delivery and for reporting to commissioners and regulatory authorities. This includes technology generated data on resident vital signs and mobility, medication intake, preferences and risk assessments. This component of WP3 aims to map data collected by care home providers for their own use that has potential for inclusion in an MDS. We will compile a list of the content, form and use of care home generated data, and assess the willingness of care home providers to contribute data items to an MDS that is shared with external partners such as the NHS.