Megan is an Occupational Therapist Advanced Practitioner, specialising in Eating disorders. She is currently working as a ward manager and has worked in acute mental health settings since she graduated in 2017. She completed her BSc in Occupational therapy at the University of East Anglia and has since completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Sensory Integration. She is particularly interested in improving the inpatient experience and clinical outcomes for individuals with a diagnosis of autism and an eating disorder.
Megan's project seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of Occupational therapy interventions delivered within a virtual intensive treatment service for individuals with an eating disorder. A secondary aim of the project is to assess whether patients with high levels of autistic symptoms respond differently, in terms of these outcomes. This service is a pilot and she looks forward to contributing to the overall service evaluation.
Email: Megan.Thody@cpft.nhs.uk