Project MH10

Improving implementation and knowledge mobilisation of clinicians within CFYP MH services

The project aimed to pilot Knowledge Implementation Teams (KIT) using a novel methodology and toolkit to collaboratively identify challenges in clinical services and rapidly implement evidence-based interventions into practice


7 KIT teams of healthcare professionals, working across the mental health sector in children, family and young people’s services, worked jointly with young people with lived experiences of mental health conditions, facilitated by research and knowledge experts.

Project Activity

The teams created a shared understanding of the improvement priorities in local health services and received training about evidence-based practice and implementation approaches. Once priorities were identified, literature searches were undertaken by the KIT teams to identify evidence-based global interventions or approaches which could be adapted into local services. These interventions were then discussed with the KIT teams and 1 or 2 approaches selected, with a plan for adaptation and implementation developed for each project. The pilot led to the development of a KIT toolkit and training/workshop materials which we plan to roll-out across different health settings.

This project was led by Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust. Read more about NSFT research here
