Work Package 1 (WP1) aims to improve productivity of care home research, capture the key measures and outcomes used and inform the development and implementation of a MDS for UK care homes.
Review One of WP1 will provide a scoping review of key measures and outcomes incorporated in care home research to date of relevance to the UK context: including, but not limited to, resident reported outcomes, quality of life, quality of care and functional measures. Additionally, resident and staff views will be sought on the feasibility of these measures in a care home context.
Review Two of WP1 will provide a systematic review of process evaluations of interventions and contextual factors that influence implementation of research in care homes. The evidence synthesis will: a) identify common factors from previously published process evaluations that may affect fidelity and quality of intervention delivery, b) identify factors within a care homes’ organisational context have been reported to influence research outcomes.