News & Latest 27.08.2020

Two funded PhD studentships for early-stage researchers

Two funded PhD studentships for early-stage researchers to conduct applied research relevant to health economics and prioritisation in health and social care

The two studentships are funded jointly by the National Institute for Health Research Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) East of England and the University of East Anglia.

Location: University of  East Anglia, Health Economics Group of the Norwich Medical School 

Eligibility and Funding for: UK Students and EU Students (full fees); International students (see note below)

Funding amount: These studentships are funded for 3 years and comprise Home/EU fees and a stipend of £15,285 per annum (international students will need to “top-up” to international fees)

Application deadline: 30 September 2020

Start date: February 2021

Duration: 3 years (full time)

The studentships will fund outstanding early-stage researchers to conduct applied research relevant to health economics and prioritisation in health and social care (H&SC). Each studentship is an exciting career opportunity for an ambitious researcher keen to develop as a future leader in health economics as applied to H&SC research.

The Health Economics and Prioritisation Theme aims to inform choices about the implementation of H&SC services and interventions, by providing high quality evidence on costs and benefits. We work with other research themes in the ARC EoE to undertake research on a wide range of services and interventions, prioritising those that, when translated into practice, have the potential to lead to improvements in the health and well-being of patients, the population as a whole, and the sustainability of the H&SC system.

Core work:

  • Developing, sharing and applying innovative methods relating to economic evaluation and preference-based outcome valuation;
  • Better use of existing data: working with the ARC EoE’s Population Evidence and Data Science theme to utilise existing data sources for evaluating services and informing decision-making;
  • Prioritisation: measuring public preferences around health and social care priorities to inform decision-making.

Proposed projects 

Candidates may apply to the following projects:

The two studentships will be awarded to the strongest applications that meet selection criteria across these different projects.

For further information, follow the project links above

To submit an application for any of the project, please go to