To ensure that we continue to listen to the needs of our region, this year we consulted with over 450 people to gather their views on the future of ARC East of England’s strategy.
Engaging with our regional local health and social care services, community organisations, university partners and public contributors during the consultation process enabled us to gather diverse viewpoints and understand their priorities. We identified several key findings and outcomes which we will apply to help shape the direction of our research and enhance the ARC’s benefit to the region.
We have summarised the key themes and how we are incorporating them in the two documents below:
Read 'We Asked, You Said, We Did: Responding to future research needs':
Read 'We Asked, You Said, We Did: Views from Public Contributors':
Read 'We Asked, You Said, We Did: Consolidated Version':
“I am delighted that so many people engaged with our consultation about research-related activity for the East of England. The responses highlighted many ways ARC engages well with communities, services, and researchers, but it was also helpful to hear ways we can do some things better. This includes shouting more loudly and in different ways about the research we undertake..."
Professor Wendy Wills, Director of NIHR ARC East of England
Professor Wendy Wills continues: "We will take this and other suggestions on board. I want to thank everyone who participated in the consultation, as the response really will guide our progress over the next phase of work.”
We would like to thank everyone involved in the consultation. We recognise the valuable contribution of everyone involved and the commitment to the future of ARC East of England.
For further information, please contact ARC East of England Office (