Blogs 14.12.2020

Home Health

The NIHR ARC EoE supported and NIHR funded HomeHealth randomized control trial is being run by a team of researchers at the University of Hertfordshire, University College London ( Professor Kate Walters lead) and the University of Leeds.

As people get older, they are more likely to experience low energy, muscle loss, weakness and appetite loss. These are common and if they are not dealt with they can leave you feeling ‘slowed up’ and less able to ‘bounce back’ if you get ill. Having early support can help to keep you healthy and independent for longer.

The trial aims to assess a newly developed HomeHealth service for older people with mild frailty. We are testing it to see whether it makes a difference to health and wellbeing in later life and if it would be good value if it was commissioned by the NHS.

Older lady

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

The intervention is delivered by people employed by local charities and not for profit organisations. This is Hertfordshire Independent Living Service (HILS) for our local site. They are trained to deliver tailored theory-based behaviour change techniques, providing advice on low mood or social isolation, appropriate diet and exercise for someone at risk of becoming frailer.

We are about to begin recruiting working initially with three GP Practices in Hertfordshire. We will be looking for people aged 65 or over with mild frailty who live at home, or in sheltered housing.  If you would like to know more about the study, please email: Sarah Kalwarowsky Research Fellow on the HomeHealth project: