Event 04.05.2021

Population Evidence and Data Science - Knowledge Exchange Seminars,

Big data, Quality Audit, Population Health Management and Eclipse

Tuesday 4th May, 12.30-13.30

Event Organiser: NIHR Applied Research Collaboration East of England

These seminars aim to bring together researchers across the EoE ARC with an interest in better use of health and care data, provide an opportunity to share expertise in different types of data and create a forum to learn and exchange ideas.

Topic: Big data, Quality Audit, Population Health Management and Eclipse

Speakers: Dr. Julian Brown is an NHS GP and creator of Eclipse (www.prescribingservices.org), based in Norfolk, which provides IT solutions for the NHS to facilitate individual and population health based on a live longitudinal database of >20M patients across England.

Dr. Chris Schramm is a GP with a background in education and research. He works for ECLIPSE supporting projects, particularly in the Cambridge area.

Registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/population-evidence-and-data-science-knowledge-exchange-seminars-tickets-152328411379


For further information contact: sam71@medschl.cam.ac.uk