Event 05.06.2023

Compassionate Communities for Palliative and End of Life Care

Led by NIHR ARC East of England Palliative and End of Life Care team, join the interactive in-person event in Cambridge, which will be focusing on compassionate communities for Palliative and End of Life Care.


When: Monday 5 June 2023, 09.30am - 16.00pm

Where: East Forvie Building, University of Cambridge

Free event

Click here to register to this free event

Event Overview

We invite you join us for an interactive in-person event about developing more active and compassionate communities for Palliative and End of Life Care. This is being organised by the NIHR Cross-ARC national collaboration for Palliative and End of Life Care.

This free event will include presentations from:

  • Dr Libby Sallnow: Findings from the Lancet Commission on the Value of Death
  • Dr Caroline Barry: Future Directions for Integrated End-of-Life Care
  • Holly Lyon-Hawke: End of Life Care practices and their influence on Bereavement
  • Dr Guy Peryer: Place-based examples of expanding community involvement

There will also be facilitated small group discussions concerning the opportunities and challenges in making a reality NHS England’s Ambition for End-of-Life Care 6: “Each Community is prepared to help”. With your consent, these discussions will be audio-recorded and analysed for a future report. 

We are extending this invitation to anyone interested in this area, whether professional or member of the public. We hope that everyone will come with a willingness to participate: the day will have the ethos of “Everyone a teacher, everyone a learner”.

If you have any questions concerning the day, please contact Dr Guy Peryer G.Peryer@StChristophers.org.uk.