
The Cross-ARC Care Home Network

The cross-ARC care home network was created to bring together a network of health and care professionals, researchers and members of the public who are interested in applied health and social care research in care homes.

Established in 2017 and led by the ARC East of England, the network works across the ageing and dementia specialties and links researchers together to maximise the impact of care home research work. 

We develop programmes of research and implementation work to ensure that the care home sector and their representative bodies are an active partner in all conversations and projects.

We host national meetings, produce reports that identify priorities and areas of common interest, write briefings for funders on care home priorities and develop care home focused bids and resources. The network has influenced the national debate about long term care and developed new ways of how research and approaches across health and social care.

More recently the network has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, building on research led by the ARC East of England and ARC Kent, Surrey and Sussex. This has led to the development of a set of research-based resources in response to frontline staff COVID generated questions on delivering care. These are available for download here.

During a recent mapping task in 2023, it was found that there were 65 projects spanning 13 ARCs, covering a wide range of topics such as digital technologies, COVID-19, mental health and wellbeing, among others. A diagram illustrating this can be found below:

Findings from scoping of ARC care home studies 2023

Join the Cross-ARC Care Home Network

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Related Resources and Projects

Watch the Cross-ARC Care Home Network Event 2025