Reena Masrani is a Senior Research Assistant in the Centre for Research in Public Health and Community Care (CRIPACC) within the School of Health and Social Work at the University of Hertfordshire. She is working within the NIHR Applied Research Collaborations East of England with Elspeth Mathie on Inclusive Involvement in Research.
Reena has worked within the areas of childcare, education and young people, mental health and wellbeing, health services planning, and ageing and disability. She has worked in the UK as well as overseas in Sydney where she worked with a consumer committee where members had lived experience of mental health issues, and supported them to share their stories and use their lived experience to help shape and inform mental health policy, research, and the co-design of services. Reena is particularly interested in the use of qualitative methodologies and the subtleties and nuances of peoples experiences in accessing health services.