Dr Megan Davies is a Senior Research Associate at the University of East Anglia working on the Care Home Activity Providers facilitating Public Involvement in research as meaningful activity for care home residents (CHAPPI) project, and a Research Collaborator with the University of Basel.
Megan completed her PhD ‘Tri-National Ethnographic Multi-Case Study of Quality of Life in Long-Term Residential Care’ (TRIANGLE) at the University of Basel and Maastricht University as part of a TRANS-SENIOR project in 2023. During her PhD, Megan undertook three rapid-ethnographic studies in long-term residential care homes in Switzerland, the UK and the Netherlands, to explore person-centred practices in each of the three homes and how this impacted resident quality of life, with a focus on resident experiences, putting their voices at the forefront. Megan has a Master’s degree in Applied Sports and Exercise Science, where she investigated the impact of neuropsychiatric behavioural symptoms in people living with dementia. Her current project aims to explore how prehabilitation/rehabilitation can be implemented as a person-centred activity for people living in care homes, including for those with dementia. Megan hopes to understand how we can individualise (primarily physical) activities, such as strength and conditioning and physiotherapy in a group setting, in line with resident wishes and needs to maintain/improve/recover physical and cognitive function.
Contact: M.Davies2@uea.ac.uk