Katherine Brown began in the post as Professor of Behaviour Change in Health in the Department of Psychology and Sports Sciences at the University of Hertfordshire in October 2019. Before that, she held the post of Professor of Health Psychology Applied to Public Health at Coventry University. She has a strong track record of leading research in the development and evaluation of behaviour change interventions targeted at preventive health behaviours and addressing major public health challenges. She spent over eight years working in an embedded role at Public Health Warwickshire leading public health research and evaluation, and holds an honorary contract with Public Health England. Applications of digital health are a strong feature of her work as is working with communities and end-users on co-production and co-design of interventions and their evaluation. Professor Brown has attracted grant income in excess of £5.5 million from a range of funders including the NIHR the MRC and the European Commission. She has more than 60 peer-reviewed publications and academic reports and has delivered over 30 keynotes and invited speaker presentations.