Born in the war I spent my formative years with my grandmother in Ireland and returned to England for school, rationing, and the birth of the NHS.
The term " evidence-based practice" is very important to me as a patient and a carer. There is a need to demonstrate clinical effectiveness in a transparent manner which the public can understand. Research is important also to any changes in clinical practice and all professionals should be able to research as they work.
The professionals have a strong voice, but research is biased without the voice of the clients, service users, carers, patients, and the community. The decision makers need this voice to be heard and this voice to be part of the decision-making process. If new ways of working and changes are to work well the voice and experiences of the public are an important part of the process of change and moving forward.
Lastly, I am part of the elderly demographic and do not forget that the elderly voice has many years of experience, and their lives encompass living with many problems and learning to adjust and enjoy each day as it comes.
Annemarie - Patient and Carer (Stevenage)