

The Implementation workstream aims to translate research findings into practice efficiently, making a meaningful impact on local populations and health and social care settings.

In this workstream, we have partnered with Health Innovation East to support ARC East of England's aim of driving and embedding a culture of implementation, ensuring the timely implementation of our research to encourage its use in everyday practice, and building implementation capacity to encourage an implementation focus on the initial stages of a researcher’s career.

In April 2022, Dr. Sarah Robinson, Health Innovation East Director of Delivery, became the ARC East of England Implementation Lead.

Health Innovation East has a wide range of tools, knowledge, and expertise that we can draw on to facilitate implementation. This includes:

  • A deep knowledge of our health and care system – meaning we work quickly to understand how the individuals involved may impact on implementation (through their knowledge and belief about the intervention or their individual stage of change for example). It also means we understand networks and communication; structural characteristics; culture; implementation climate; and readiness for implementation in many of the organisations we work with.
  • An understanding of the policy and innovation landscape both regionally and nationally – meaning we understand patient needs and external policies and incentives.
  • The skills and expertise to develop an innovation’s value proposition, including developing a good understanding of evidence; cost; relative advantage compared to market competitors; trialability; complexity and adaptability – and analysing this information to create a cohesive case for change and likely return on investment.
  • Project and programme management skills to plan for change; monitor, mitigate and respond to risks; manage budgets; and help ensure projects are completed on time.
  • Excellent stakeholder management skills and existing relationships to get the right people around the table; engage with leaders, champions and change agents to support implementation on the ground; and motivate a team to deliver.

ARC researchers can request support from Health Innovation East

To access support, please contact Ben Jackson by clicking this button

Learn more about Health Innovation East 

Health Innovation East have developed two resources to support ARC colleagues to hear more about the mutual areas of work between the two organisations, covering an introduction to our work and a snapshot of our current implementation projects.

Watch this video to hear more about Health Innovation East and how we can support implementation:

Remote video URL