Event 12.10.2020

Reflections on the Radical Citizen Science of Parenting Science Gang


Thursday 12th  November 2020 1 – 2pm

Presented by Dr Sophie Payne-Gifford (University of Hertfordshire), Dr Kate Johnson (University of Hertfordshire and Dr Mari Greenfield (King’s College London).

In this seminar, we reflect on the experience of participating as volunteer researchers with Wellcome-funded Parenting Science Gang, a parent-led, Facebook-based, citizen science project, helping to design and carry out research developed by parents.

We will briefly cover:

  • definitions of citizen science
  • the practicalities of running Parenting Science Gang
  • its picky eating study
  • its study on pregnancy experiences with a high BMI
  • its study on (un)gendered parenting
  • its study on breastfeeding and healthcare experiences
  • strengths and weaknesses of the Parenting Science Gang approach.

We will also brainstorm applying lessons from the Parenting Science Gang approach to seminar participants' own research areas.

Registration is free via this link