
Elspeth Mathie

Co-Theme Lead of Inclusive Involvement in Research for Practice Led Health and Social Care

Dr Elspeth Mathie

Elspeth is the co-lead of the Inclusive Involvement in Research for Practice-led Health and Social Care (IIRP) theme. She is a Reader in Health and Social Care Inclusion at the University of Hertfordshire and her research has focussed on older people including NIHR funded studies in care homes, end of life care and dementia.  Elspeth's research includes the National study on Patient and Public involvement - RAPPORT.  She has worked with Patient and Public Involvement groups in the East of England to undertake a study to improve feedback from researchers to PPI contributors and the co-designed guidance is now used by other ARCs, charities and internationally.

To view Elspeth's personal profile, please follow the link.
